Thank you to my Sponsors

Verity Davis-raiss

Avalon Public Staff
Money raised from a Mars Bar Slice Morning Tea, Super Fry T-shirts and comics :)

Margot Lindgren
Your happy smile Raf lights up my day. Huge hugs to your mum too.

Love your idea Super Fry!

Melissa Younger
You rock Raf ?

Elisa Spano

Michelle Garrard
You're a star, Raf!!! Love Charlie!! X


Kylie Jarrett
You are always thinking of others!

Jennifer Reddan

Nathan Casey
Yes buddy! Keep up the good work!

Andy Rankin

Alice Lovett
You are amazing Raff and Elisa! xx


I'm very proud of you Rafferty!

Megan Dunbar

Kara Egerton

Elleni Christie

Lila Butler
Go Raf! from Lila. B 3JP

Kit & Johnny Rutherford
Raf, we think your just the coolest bravest nicest kid ever. We LOVE all your comics and still ask mum and dad to read them to us most nights. Thanks for being such a good role model to us. Proud of you!

Bellinda Taylor

Jen Cincotta

Ben Farinazzo
Keep going strong guys. Big hugs

Janelle Barber

Pat Curtin
Raf you’re an absolute legend mate! Keep it up ??

Alice Daly

Callisto In 3as
Go Raf!
You and your family inspire me everyday. all the best for tomorrow. The rain has gone and the sun is shinning. Thinking of you all.